Tuesday, March 27, 2012


If you're like me you're always looking for a new album to work out to with lyrics that are motivating but also positive and clean. This may be just what you need.

It's by no means a new album (in fact it's been in my collection since it's release in 2002) but "Contact" by The Benjamin Gate is one of the best albums I've ever worked out/walked to. The music is up-beat and the lyrics are clean and motivating. Adrienne Liesching's voice is strong and clean and easy on the ears. (By the way, she's married to Jeremy Camp now.)

The album opens with "Lift Me Up" and its a great way to get things going. And not only does the album start out well but it gets even better with songs like "Do What You Say" and "Violently".

You can download the whole album for $9.99 on iTunes or sample the tracks and pick the ones you like to add into your playlist.

In other news, Judah is now inexplicably afraid of all children, strollers, bikes, scooter and skateboards. This majorly slows me down as I'm constantly having to stop to drag him past a group of kids or a woman with a baby in a stroller. I hope he gets over this soon as I'm doing three miles four times a week. Training for my first 5k would be much easier if the dog wasn't slowing me down. But he helps motivate me to get out there so I can't fault him for that.

Also, the blisters on my feet keep getting bigger. Not sure if this is an issue of concern since these shoes didn't bother me last summer (I just bought them in July.) But they aren't really painful so I'm going to keep going.

That's all for now folks!

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