Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Garden Going!

Yesterday we finally got out there in the dirt and got our little plants in the ground. We had to wait until the landlord got the tractor working so it took a little longer than we would have liked but we finally got them into the ground. Reeve backed his car up into the yard and opened both doors so we could listen to music while we worked.

We have two rows of corn, a row of potatoes, a row of sugar snap peas, three tomato plants (German pinks courtesy of the wonderful Kink Teater) several bulbs of elephant garlic and a section of carrots and kale.

I put the corn in the ground. I hate dirt. It's really not my thing but I managed to plant two rows of corn without complaint. Look at me, raking away....

Reeve isn't afraid of dirt. He planted the potatoes, snap peas, and tomatoes. He put up stakes and ropes for our cute little snap peas. He says if a third of our snap peas come up we will be drowning in them. Hope our friends like stir fry...

Judah helped, of course. He's getting much better at being trust-worthy off the leash and we let him run around the back acre with us and he stayed with us the whole time.

I was so proud of him - even if he did end up as a mud monster.

Of course, our herb garden is growing like crazy. We have mint, oregano, sage, rosemary and chives.

I'm looking forward to seeing what comes up!

One thing we are wondering is how to tithe out of our plants. Anyone have experience with that? I suppose we could bring a tenth of our plants to church to share with the congregation, but we're wondering if there's another way we can share them. Any input would be great!

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