Today we are doing a local spotlight on Critchfield Meats, an old fashioned butcher shop in Lexington, Kentucky.
Recently Reeve and I went into to Critchfield for a few pounds of lamb shoulder for a dinner we were hosting at our house. Meat specialist, Billy Wethington, was a great sport and let me take some photos of him and of the store for my blog. Then he helped us pick out a good piece of lamb and gave us a great deal on it as well! Here's my photo of Mr. Wethington:
He told us a little about the late Mr. Critchfield's meat market and pointed us to a portrait of him on the wall.
Here's a little backstory on Mr. Critchfield and his marvelous meat market:
Amos Critchfield, called "Butch" founded Critchfield Meats on the principles of serving up quality meats and quality service. His small-town butcher shop stayed in the family and is now owned by his four grandsons. They share their grandfather's passion for meat, his passion for customer service and (by their own admission) his receding hair-line!
Critchfield specializes in local meats, from animals that were raised here in Kentucky. Every time I've asked they've been able to tell me exactly which farm the meat came from, the name of the farmer and often, a little about the farm itself. I've always been so impressed by their product knowledge. They know what they sell and they take pride in it. That's pretty amazing considering if you tried the same thing at your local chain grocery you would probably just get confused looks and "huh's?" I mean, just look at this fantastic meat.
Mr. Wethington handed me his business card and told me to email him if I had any questions about Critchfield or the meat they sell. Their big neon sign tells the truth when it proclaims that Critchfield is THE meat specialist.
And Critchfield doesn't just sell meat either. They sell more than a few Kentucky Proud products. Only products grown, raised and produced in Kentucky can bear the Kentucky Proud sticker. You know these products are fresh and well-made - and are they ever tasty! Check out their Kentucky Proud products:
So head on over to Critchfield's website and see what they have to offer, or better off, go into their store in Lexington and meet the the meat specialists for yourself.
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