Cut.color.crochet is a 27-year-old hairstylist from Trenton, New Jersey. She is also a self-taught crocheter (is that a word? I hope so.) Here's what she says about her projects, "I find it very relaxing, and the end result always makes me happy." (Much like how I feel about making bread.) She also says, " I love picking out yarn, and choosing the colors - I am completely connected to everything I create." (Like the local farmers I talked about in this post a few days ago.) She opened her shop on 10.10.10 (the same day CenterPointe had it's grand opening!) and she's been growing ever since. I fell in love with cut.color.crochet because I was looking on etsy for a pair of affordable mittens. I LOVE homemade mittens. I have a pair that my mother made while I was in the womb and I love them. I also love fingerless gloves, and crocheted hats and scarves.
Let's take a look at the fabulous art of cut.color.crochet:
The item I found most clever on her shop was the Bearded Hat:
This is a hand-made hat with a detachable beard. I LOVE this idea. I am totally buying one for my husband...IF I can convince him to wear it. I think it's so incredibly clever to attach a crocheted beard to a man's hat - especially if your man, like mine, doesn't like to grow a beard. (I don't like them either, too scratchy!) The hat has buttons on the inside to adjust or remove the beard. So clever! Her bearded hats sell for $35 and can be special ordered in the colors of your choice. The beard comes in brown, gray, black, red and white.
Let's look at the first thing that drew me to her shop: Fingerless Gloves
The first thing that drew me to cut.color.crochet's shop was her fingerless gloves. I was looking for a pair on etsy and these were my pick because they are well made and affordable. I personally will NOT pay $30 for a pair of mittens. These wrist warmers are made from soft, acrylic yarn and are available in 20 different colors. (I like the purple and sapphire.) They sell for $18 and are made specifically for you.
Check out this Recycled Cotton Flower Barrette
This flower barrette is hand-crocheted and made of recycled cotton. cut.color.crochet claims it's great for spring, but I think it's fun in any season. Individual clips sell for $5 but you can buy a set of three (any color) for $10.
Ok, one more. I seriously love the Convertible Button Scarf
I love white scarves - even though I know they get dirty easily. I love the chunky white buttons on this scarf. It's got a lot of surface area so it can be worn several ways. This scarf is crocheted with an open check stitch and sells for $35. I think it would be really great with this hat.
Head on over to cut.color.crochet's etsy shop and check out all her other cool products! They would make great Christmas presents!
Head on over to cut.color.crochet's etsy shop and check out all her other cool products! They would make great Christmas presents!
Keep on crafting!
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