Monday, September 26, 2011

Personality type compatability

I LOVED this article. Anyone who knows Reeve and I know this is us - dead-on. Reeve is the ENTJ and I am the INFJ

I copied and pasted this from here.

INFJ + ENTJ compatibility, relationships

Even though it’s not an absolutely ideal matchup, the ENTJ – INFJ mix has a lot of potential. INFJ personality types are usually a bit more rational and logical than other feeling types (especially SF types) and that is a quality ENTJs are sure to admire. However, INFJs are also quite sensitive to criticism and conflict, which the ENTJ sees as a normal part of life, so obviously some adjustments will have to be made in order for this relationship to work.

As friends...

ENTJ – INFJ friendships usually function well. INFJs generally admire the ENTJs straightforwardness, intelligence and responsibility. In the relationship the INFJ takes on a role of an advisor for the ENTJ, providing thoughtful counsel when it’s needed. One possible stumbling block though is that ENTJs will not always be open to being influenced by the INFJ because they generally try to minimize the effect of emotions on their decision making process. Nonetheless, if the ENTJ learns to bite the tongue and avoid unnecessary arguments and conflict, this commitment can develop into a lifelong friendship that can expose both these types to a truly different perspective on life.

At work...

If the ENTJ is in charge things usually go very smooth at the workplace. INFJs are usually responsible and organized people who have no trouble working with schedules and deadlines, and the ENTJ will appreciate that. All the INFJ will want is a little freedom in performing the given task and the ENTJ has no problem giving them that freedom as long as the task gets done on time. However, there can be problems when the situation is reversed. The ENTJ might find the INFJs procedures and methods inefficient; he or she might object too much and conflict may arise. But in truth this depends a lot on what goals are they striving for and do they both want to get to the same place. Intuitive people will have trouble following anyone if they don’t agree fully with him or her.

In romantic relationships...

The ENTJ will usually end up leading and they will both like it at first but the ENTJ might soon get bored with getting no challenge back and the INFJ might start to quietly resent the fact that he/she isn’t involved or listened to in making decisions. This problem arises because the INFJs decision making function, extroverted feeling, is the last function on the ENTJs priority list. The ENTJ has to make a big effort to listen to this function and the INFJ must become more direct and speak up because sometimes ENTJs will not understand little unsaid cues that INFJs expect to be understood. This advice applies to any relationship; the more direct and truthful you can be with your partner the better relationship you will have.

Possible stumbling blocks:

- ENTJ being too critical and blunt
- INFJ being vague/unclear about what they want
- ENTJ not listening to extroverted feeling because it’s their blindspot
- INFJ being too sensitive to criticism, or holding back part of themselves
- ENTJ forgetting to show acts of thoughtfulness and appreciation every once in a while, because of being too caught up in their work (INFJs need to know they’re loved)
- INFJ having expectations that are too high or too idealistic

As you see there are many gaps and things to work on in this relationship but the hard work is worth it. Both individuals can become more balanced and complete persons if they decide to go for this ride.

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